License Agreement 02/10/17

Byron Jacob
MA Course Title
MA Games Design
Status (F/T or P/T)
Version No.:
Brief explanation/ outline of project
After researching into motion capture, it was deemed that trying that it was going to be difficult to get into research / practical time to continue developing those skills into practical skills with the time demand and lack of kit to develop with.  With the information in mind however will make the project conversion a bit more helpful.  The idea of the project is to go into my second idea which is games design, expanding on the game design creation side considering AI development and the games design process.

Context / Rationale

The idea is to research into the games design process working with the documentation side of games development whilst developing a game for the end project.  I want to develop a game that can use my knowledge from the previous semester but as well, allow me to develop animations for parts of the games development.

For this semester, I want to go into developing into the mechanics and documentation for semester 3 which will be for aesthetic design as well as final changes.

Key areas of Research / Key Activities

Game Design Documentation (GDD)
Aesthetic Design
Asset listings for semester 3
Mechanic design and development

Intended outcomes of project tended outcomes of project

The mechanics for the end project and games design documentation for the game ready for semester 3 for the aesthetic design and

Student signature
 Byron Jacob
