Comparative differences between games design and simulation - Introduction and explination
Introduction to the series
At the beginning of the year, 2018, I started a new job within a company that orientates around research and development in multiple industries such as Defense, Education etc. My position is based around synthetic environments and simulation development, with my past skills and development within teaching, education, training and games development.My jobs work can orientate around the following:
- 3D Modelling
- Simulation design
- Gamification theory / design
- VR development
Reasoning behind the series
One of the big things I've learn is that there isn't a lot of input within in regards to games design or design ethic processes. With that said, this is somewhat of a journey of learning I am doing but at the same time try to show designers that there is alternative worlds to work in other than games design.The process and ideas will be orientated around ideas and creation of ideas whilst typing about it on here what I have learnt. I want to break down and look at specific areas and continue developing those skills. Look at how our skills can be used or altered to work in a different industry that uses key design skills.
The main issues orientate around what I can / can't talk about.Due to my job and what I work with, I cannot talk about the projects themselves specifically as it could be bad for myself and for whom works on these projects. I also have to confirm and make sure that I am not using specifically anything that can be bad. Although I am not orientating around anything important, I need to ensure that I am not going to be talking about stuff that I am allowed to talk about.
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