Well, The worse happened - Hard drive failure

So, I woke up, I went to my PC, Powered up said PC, thought nothing of it as the PC loaded fine... then i went to my folders to open up my UE4 project location to see the folder didn't exsist... actually the whole drive exsist.. So i tried to find it, add device, take out the drive and put it back in... restart it.

I lost 2 months worth of work... down the toilet.  I usually make a back up to ensure I have covered from both sides incase something go wrong.  This makes me think of the situation that happened with hello games when they made "No Mans Sky".  In 2014, they lost a lot of work on their current title as all their HDDs and back up drives were wrecked by the water.


So whats the plan? Well.... look at the work and then remake the work... again.  Try to work on what I did and then rework on the stuff so my prototype may not be what I want it to be. I did learn some useful stuff and got some interesting suggestions for optimisation that I want to introduce into the work.. We'll see what I can do

