Comparative differences between games design and simulation design - Annoucnement: My series breakdown is being used by my company.

So whilst discussing this diary blog with my work around the idea of showing what i have learnt during my time within the industry world.

PSA: Some of the stuff in the blogs needs to be confirmed and checked to ensure that I don't get myself or my new company into trouble.

My company has asked about the idea of intergrating these blog posts into a design comms post that'll show the idea of a designers background within a engineers world.  Essentially, as the engineers view things from a different way to myself, the process and tech I use is completely different and thus the ideas of the blogs allows a different perspective to how the software could be used or exploited.

This is awesome stuff to hear, and i hope that my information and blog posts can be useful to diversify the idea of designers going into unique industries.
