Final Thoughts On Practical 1 and the Next Step.

What I've learnt

Initially, the process of motion capture is much vaster and strangely for being a big thing to make motion and animation more aesthetically pleasing in animations and more immersive for the player ( Good example can be seen in industry such as final fantasy 15 and bad examples that show the difference in the quality of effort.) and yet there is not much information on workflows within industry.  Although there are video's they aren't that helpful and can be very stricken at times which makes it difficult to work with in regards to learning it.

After discussing with industry experts, I learnt that there is a lot to be learnt in regards to the whole process as most industry will have a couple of designers who do the whole process from animation / rigging / capturing and cleaning due to staffing issues or requirements.  After learning this, I changed my initial idea of learning mocap to a more bigger area of learning the whole process which has taught me that it's really difficult and incredibly vast.

I have learnt a lot and seen how restrictive it is overall which is a pain but at the same time, really interesting as I know that if I get a good grasp that it'll be useful to me in the future.

Next Step?

The next step, continue developing my research into the full process looking overall at the whole motion process in both data collection and ensuring that the meshes are made properly and will adhere to motionbuilder workflows as the workflow for motionbuilder is very confusing.
I think with more work and possibly using different capturing equipment that the perception neuron which is not working as effectively as initially thought, the premise could hopefully push me to go into a much vaster area of possible "dummies guide?" aspects to motion capture as a whole.
