Ingenious Gentlemen - Part 3 - I Hate Weight Painting.....

Part 3 - Weight painting is a pain in the arse

As I put in the title, I didn't know how much of a ball ache weight painting is going to be.

As I did have a semester on rigging within my degree, I did have an understanding to what I was going to be doing. This being said, it was initially designed on the 3DS Max that uses a different system to what Maya uses. Looking back after the 4 hours that I feel like I have wasted, I learnt that Maya is an absolute dick when it comes to weight painting.

When initially designing the skeleton, I knew how bad it was going to be until the first attempt was done but overall this is a massive annoying part to animation creation. I completely forgot how much of a dick this can be.

So I decided to persevere and paint on the animations.


After working on the weight painting, I learnt that there is a massive pain in the arse and that it can incredibly wrong.  After the initial painting and refining.  It is apparent that the model is not essentially working well with Motionbuilder.  The skeleton doesn't work well with the mesh and was causing the problems to happen again.

Looking at the problem, it could be naming conventions of the bones and the problems that can be seen hierarchy that possibly is making it not work correctly.

I will look into it more and see if there is a way to work around the bone system.  I will keep updated.
