Learners Agreement - 22/12/17

Byron Jacob
MA Course Title
MA Games Design
Status (F/T or P/T)
Version No.:
Brief explanation/ outline of project
After researching into motion capture, it was deemed that trying that it was going to be difficult to get into research / practical time to continue developing those skills into practical skills with the time demand and lack of kit to develop with. 

After going into development of developing a game prototype.  It is clear that from a standpoint of a pure “indie” development team (small amount of people within the development process) that there is a lot of work that needs to be done whilst trying to stick to milestones of developing a prototype / game and issues within that development is seen with development of mechanics to development of materials / environments.

With this project, I will be developing my own title but with the contextual overview of how difficult it is to work on a game overall with limited money, staff and still trying to stick to deadlines looking at the development cycle, ensuring that the games overall idea is stuck to but justifying the necessary changes if they are done.

Context / Rationale

The idea is to research into the games design process working with the documentation side of games development whilst developing a game for the end project in the view of what it is like to be an indie developer.  As the indie development cycle tries to adhere to the same style within pipeline development like AAA companies, the idea is to see what can happen to the development process if situations of restrictions / problems occur.  The development will integrate the knowledge from the previous semester but as look at it from a legal, ethical and logical view of a developer working to make a working prototype.

For Semester 2; The process of getting the games mechanics to a stage of alpha with the documentation recorded and up to date ready for semester 3 which will be for aesthetic design as well as final changes.

Key areas of Research / Key Activities
Game mechanical prototype at an alpha stage.
Game Design Documentation (GDD)
Aesthetic Designs for level creation
Asset listings for semester 3
Intended outcomes of project tended outcomes of project

The intended outcome of the project is to have a final piece that presents that difficulty of being an indie (independent) developer whilst trying to adhere to the constraints that would be usually part of being an indie developer whilst an overall log of the design process looking at issues, problems, alternative solutions, and fixes for problems throughout the development lifecycle of this prototype.

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