Procedural Generation Level Design

Procedural Generating Levels - Testing / Pro's and Cons

Getting away from designing AI and trying to work with a footprint system that caused several headaches.  I went about trying to edit and create a possible unique work around with procedural generating level design for uniqueness in the game.

Following along with a guide, it used an array system that specifically allows for the design of how many rooms you want with the added uniqueness that you can shape it to be the size you want.  After playing around, I figured how to make pathways to work in between and to make the spacing in between each tile to be bigger.

From there, I attempted to play around with the designing afterwards with trying to make it render and allocate the player / AI to work around it but came up with some issues that were not going away with more research and playing about.

I tested and tried to implement a nav mesh to the streamed levels which did work but as the AI design is specifically structured to work with a point of movement control (BP points) to move in between points for move control.  The problem is I would have to allocate the points and then try to allocate the number allocation as the map is rendered in real time and then try to connect them together.  After several attempts, the points would not allocate correctly which meant that the AI would not correctly work.  This would mean a complete redesign of the AI to work with a completely different navigation system that may or may not be a controlled in the sporadic movement as I want it to be.

The other issue is that it is real time rendered and the problem with that is that if the memory allocation doesn't work properly then it'll crash as tested has presented.  From this design, a whole lot of remaking the coding via blueprints which feels like a whole lot of diminishing returns.

With that, I am going to do something thinking and possible question asking to start making decisions on the path of the level design and if I need to make some overall big overhauls.
